Nationwide presence
Healthcare providers
We conducts utilization reviews to monitor the appropriateness, necessity, and efficiency of the services provided.
Weekly provider onboarding
New providers are encouraged to provide feedback on the onboarding process, helping us continually improve the experience and address any concerns promptly.
Providers in Lagos
Providers in Lagos are selected based on stringent criteria to ensure they meet our standards for patient care.
We’re Nigeria’s leading Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), offering comprehensive, high-quality care for individuals, families, and organizations nationwide. We put accessibility and affordability at the forefront, so you can focus on feeling your best.
© 2024 IHMS Nigeria
Why Getting Enough Rest is Key to Overall Wellness
Eating for Optimal Health and Disease Prevention
Techniques to Manage Stress and Boost Your Wellbeing
Essential Habits for Boosting Your Immune System
Contact us
+234 808 586 0017
2 Joseph Harden Street, Lagos Island.
WhatsApp us